Прахова Лариса Юрьевна

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Happy to see you)) 
My name is Larisa Yurievna Prakhova. I am an English teacher of Lyceum number six named after academician Georgiy Nikolaevich Flerov of the city  Dubna. I am glad to welcome you on the pages of my site. I hope  our acquaintance will be pleasant and enjoyable and on the site you will find many new important and interesting things. I wish you happiness, health and success in learning English. Sincerely, your English teacher, Larisa Prakhova.

If you want  to be happy

It is easy to do

Do not be very sleepy

And  follow  some rules:

Be creative, confident

Love and protect  your kinds,

And always remember —

Your  family’s  the  first, not  other things!
